Harry Potter Series

HARRY FREAKING POTTER!! I love absolutely everything about this movie series. They are so beautiful. The actors, the cinematography, everything is wonderful and perfect. The only minor thing that bugs me is how different some parts are from the books, but I am able to overlook that because I love them so much. If I had to pick a favorite movie from this series it would probably be Deathly Hallows part 1. Only because it’s a change of scene, and has more adventure.

In terms of actors, I don’t think they could’ve found better young actors if they tried. Daniel Radcliff was and exceptional Harry, and he was unbelievably talented even at the age of 9. Rupert Grint made a great Ron. He was such a perfect little Weasley and a great best friend. And then there’s Emma Watson (I saved her for last for a reason). She is one of my top all-time favorite actresses. She is absolutely perfect in every way (possibly a biased opinion). But she’s seriously amazing.

So, yea, that’s a little about why I love Harry Potter.

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Natalie Breuer

Natalie. Writer. Photographer. Etc.

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